Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Is Shock

Shock is the failure of the cardiovascular system to provide sufficient blood circulation to every part of the body.
Diagnostic signs of shock are :
§               Eyes are dull and lack luster
§               Pupils are dilated
§               Face is pale and cyanotic (blue)
§               Respiration is shallow, irregular, or labored
§               Pulse is rapid and weak
§               Skin is cold and clammy
§               May be nausea, vomit, anxious, thirsty and collapse

Type of Shock

Hemorragic shock is caused by blood loss. The reduction of blood volume means that circulation is impaired. This may occur for several reason:
§               External bleeding
§               Internal bleeding
§               Loss of plasma due to burns or crushed tissues

Respiratory shock is caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood. The inability to fill the lungs completely is the result of impaired breathing. This may happen because of :
§               A chest wound
§               Flail chest
§               Broken ribs
§               Pneumothorax
§               Airway obstruction
§               Spinal cord damage that is paralysed the muscles of the chest and the victim must breathe with the diaphragm alone.

Neurogenic shock is caused by loss control of  the nervous system due to spinal cord damage.

Psychogenic shock or fainting is caused by a reaction of the nervous system to fear, bad news, the sight of blood, or a minor injury. Sudden dilation of the blood vessels occurs, and the blood flow to the brain is interrupted. The person faint, and unless other problems are present, fainting is usually self-correcting. When the head is lowered blood circulates to the brain and normal function is restored.

Cardiogenic shock is caused by inadequate functioning of the heart. When the heart does not continuously operate, due to disorders that weaken the heart muscle, the heart can no longer develop the pressure required to move blood to all part of the body.

Septic shock is caused by infection. Toxins released into the blood stream have a harmful effect on the blood vessels, causing them to dilate (get larger), which result in incomplete filling of the circulatory system.

Metabolic shock is caused by loss of body fluids and changes in body chemistry. This happens because of :
§               Loss of body fluids through diarrhea, vomiting, or urination
§               Severe disturbance of body salts or the acid-base balance in diseases.

Anaphylactic shock or reaction occurs when a person contacts something to which he or she is extremely allergic. This may be caused by :
§               Insect stings (bees, yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets)
§               Inhaled substances (dust, pollen)
§               Injected substances (drugs such as penicillin)

How to Help The Person In Shock
ü            Call for help
ü            Maintain an open airway to assure braething
ü            Position the person in crisis with the head lower than legs.
ü            Control bleeding
ü            Loosen all tight clothes that put pressure on the neck, chest and waist
ü            Do not give the person anything by mouth, including anything to eat or drink
ü            Do not move the person with a known or suspected a broken bone or spinal injury
ü             Do not wait for milder shock symptoms to worsen before calling for emergency medical help.
ü            Stay with the person in crisis until emergency medical rescue help arrives

Adapted from any references

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